Erasmus+ Youth Exchange 'consPIRACY!'

Our organised youth exchange consPIRACY took place in Southern Estonia from 25.04-06.05.2019. It was funded by Erasmus+ programme.
The information spread today is combined from a variety of different media channels which are over-emotional and aren't always publishing fact-based articles or opinions. For example, it is easy to read something that person you trust has shared on social media and consider it truthful. The only way to not get caught up in false information is to develop critical thinking. We did do so during our youth exchange program by getting to know how social media is functioning and how to influence people through the internet.
Participants were young people (18-30 years old) who were interested in the media literacy topics and in information that is spread so easily through social media. There were participants from six different countries (The Netherlands, Spain, Georgia, Slovakia, Palestine, Estonia).
We analyzed different internet sources and also conspiracy theories, carried out workshops and discussions among participants and in the local community. Also, participants carried out dissemination activities back in their country after the youth exchange to share their knowledge and experience in their communities to foster critical thinking and media literacy.
to familiarize young people with internet marketing tricks to influence people and the principles of social media functioning
to foster media literacy ie searching for valid information on the Internet and evaluating its veracity;
get to know the basics of "The Clash of Civilizations" theory;
to analyze media sources and our societies differences through "The Clash of Civilizations" theory by Huntington;
to develop critical thinking by analyzing conspiracy theories and analyzing internet sources truthfulness;
supporting non-formal learning by recognizing self-learning through key competencies of the Youthpass certificate;
support intercultural dialogue among young people through the learning of the cultures of other participating countries.
"This project has been funded with support from the European Commission Erasmus+ programme. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."