Noortevahetus "Young People Discuss Women's Rights" Maltal, 12.-18. november 2023

Noortevahetuse kirjeldus:
Our primary purpose will be popularizing awareness of consciousness against violence against women and making love and mutual understanding dominant over violence. All our activities will serve this purpose. We target to have a final
product, short movies, and educational board games that will be created after using all the information we get through the activities and participants' personal ideas. Those videos and PDF versions of educational board games will reach a large audience to inform many people about our youth exchange topic.
In addition, we aim to create final intellectual products that are also youth-friendly and sustainable; an interesting and inspiring nonformal technique that can be used after the project by youth workers as well to raise awareness about preventing violence against women and women’s rights, digital board games with hard copy version available. There will be local policymakers and young people as characters in the board games. Thus, young people can be in the policymaker role when they play board games. Young people's characters in our board games can influence the policymaking process in our countries as well. Plus, young people in policymaker roles will be able to develop empathy with policymakers in real life.
Noortevahetuse korraldab organisatsioon FuturEurope Malta, MTÜ interEST on noortevahetuse Eesti poolne partnerorganisatsioon (pakume tuge ja infot osalejatele/kandidaatidele - küsimuste korral võta ühendust
Osalemine projektis on tasuta (majutus, toit, tegevused). Kompenseeritakse transpordikulud 360 EUR ulatuses (piletid osta alles peale valituks osutumist ning ostu-kinnituse saamist!). Projekti toetab Erasmus+ ja Euroopa Solidaarsuskorpuse agentuur Erasmus+ programmist.
Osalejatel tuleb katta Malta valituse poolt kehtestatud "Eco TAX" 50 senti päeva kohta ning teha omale eelnevalt reisikindlustus!
Eesti gruppi on oodatud kandideerima 5 osalejat vanuses 18-29 aastat ning 1 grupijuht vanuses 18+.
Enne kandideerimist veendu, et saad antud kuupäevadel osaleda.
Kandideerimine on avatud KANDIDEERIMISVORMI kaudu kuni 13.08.2023!
.pdf failina on saadaval koraldajate poolt koostatud infopakk: