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Frequently asked questions

Is it possible to arrive later or leave earlier?

Yes, it is possible by agreement, but please consider that there have been cases where leaving a couple of days earlier has caused homesickness for some other children. If possible, please bring the children at the agreed time and pick them up at the agreed time as well. We have planned activities for the last day that provide feedback for both us and the children. If a small number of children leave during these activities, providing feedback becomes a bit more challenging.

If my child does not eat meat, is lactose- or gluten-intolerant, or has allergies?

The canteen can accommodate most common diets and allergies, but please understand that there are limits to human capabilities, and the canteen serves hundreds of people every day. You can mention dietary preferences in the registration form.

Communication between the child and the parent during the camp

So far, children have communicated with their parents during free moments, for example, after lunch or before bedtime.

What happens if the weather turns bad?

There are several indoor facilities at Jõulumäe, including classrooms, indoor halls, a gymnasium, a café, and we also have a large glamping tent that can accommodate 40+ children, providing protection from sun and rain. During bad weather, we engage in indoor activities.

Is there medical assistance available at the camp?

We don't have a deticated medic at the camp, but all camp leaders have received first aid training, and we have put together a first aid kit. Previously, we have taken children to the emergency room for stomach pain and purchased antibiotics from the pharmacy for infections based on a prescription. Children's concerns are not ignored, but on-site staff can only provide first aid or help with medication according to a doctor's prescription.

If the child is not in the specified age range

If you are sure that your child will be comfortable with slightly younger or older children, please write to us! We are solution-oriented.

What exactly happens at the camp?

The camp lasts for 4 days, and the program is built around involving, motivating, and guiding children to take initiative. We aim to create a safe and stress-free environment for children to develop their interests. During the camp, children can contribute to daily topics, be entrepreneurial according to their interests, initiate various creative projects or sports games, and involve other campers. We also provide children with organizational tasks to take responsibility for.

Are there sports activities at the camp?

Yes, of course. The camp takes place at the Jõulumäe Health and Sports Center in Pärnu County, which offers plenty of opportunities for outdoor sports activities. Our schedule is varied and includes outdoor activities daily. Jõulumäe has hiking trails, sports fields, disc golf courses, and many outdoor activities that we utilize.

What if a child does not want to participate in some activities during the camp?

We, as camp counselors, listen to the child and do not force them to participate in anything if they truly do not want to. However, we try to motivate, encourage, and guide children to participate in all activities in the best possible way and try their hand at new areas. This is important because we know that the best experiences, as well as the most effective learning, occur when one is slightly out of their comfort zone. Therefore, the camp will offer many activities that are different from the usual, which will test and motivate children to think for themselves and develop solutions, thereby unconsciously and playfully acquiring new skills and knowledge. All of this, of course, in a supportive, motivating, and friendly environment with caring, observant, and encouraging counselors!

Where do children sleep during the camp?

Accommodation takes place in spacious cabins at the Jõulumäe Health and Sports Center, each accommodating four beds. Everything necessary for the child to rest during bedtime is provided (bed linen, blankets, and pillows). The cabins have electricity (for room lighting, phone charging) and a radiator to maintain room temperature warm during colder weather. The cabins are located a few dozen meters from the toilets and washing facilities and the canteen. All cabins are lockable, ensuring the safety of the child's belongings even when camp activities are taking place away from the cabins.