Tagasiside või küsimus

Internal regulations

    1. The child should want to come to camp and participate in camp activities. Child must not be forced to come.

    2. The child should be receptive, helpful, cheerful, friendly, and honest in camp.

    3. Camp activities are conducted in English.

    4. The child is obliged to follow the rules, schedule, and instructions of the instructor.

    5. Registration for camp takes place based on a pre-filled electronic registration form completed by the parent/guardian. In case of changes or additions, please inform the camp organizers via email as soon as possible (laager@interest.edu.ee).

    6. Upon arrival at camp, the accompanying adult must sign the participant card, which we have filled out with the information received during registration.

    7. Children with symptoms of illness will not be admitted to camp.

    8. The need for medication or special care must be indicated on the electronic registration form filled out by the parent/guardian. The youth must be able to take necessary medications themselves in camp and know the correct dosages and frequencies of administration.

    9. If someone other than the parent/guardian is picking up the youth, it is necessary to inform us in advance on the participant card or via email (laager@interest.edu.ee).

    10. Unauthorized departure from the campsite is not allowed. When moving outside the campsite with the group, the youth must carefully follow the instructions as well as traffic safety and precautionary measures.

    11. Bringing and consuming alcohol, tobacco products, and narcotics is strictly prohibited at camp. If these substances are found, law enforcement will be notified, and the youth will be sent home from camp without a refund of their camp fee.

    12. Swimming takes place only at the designated time and under the supervision of instructors.

    13. Making a fire without the permission and presence of a supervisor is not allowed.

    14. Meal service at camp occurs separately four times a day according to the schedule (we ensure that the interval between meals does not exceed 4 hours).

    15. Campers are accommodated in shared rooms. Being in other rooms is prohibited. Outdoors (playgrounds, terraces, etc.), youth have the opportunity to spend leisure time together.

    16. Each participant of the camp is responsible for the cleanliness of their room and personal belongings. Household waste is collected in the accommodation in trash cans, and paper, cardboard, and plastic packaging are collected separately in collection bags. Supervisors have the right to inspect room cleanliness and, if necessary, request room cleaning.

    17. Upon leaving the rooms, ensure that the windows and doors are closed and the electric lighting is turned off.

    18. In case of fire or other emergencies, inform camp staff and gather at the agreed meeting point for instructions.

    19. Camp events are intended for all campers to participate in.

    20. Everyone takes care of their belongings carefully. Camp organizers are not responsible for mobile phones, money, and valuables brought by campers.

    21. Large technical devices, gaming consoles, and computers are not allowed at camp.

    22. The use of mobile phones and smart devices is allowed for a limited time by agreement with the supervisor. The camp day is filled with exciting activities, and there is no need for the use of smart devices. During camp activities, phones may be deposited with supervisors if necessary.

    23. Used tools, toys, and sports equipment are returned to their place after activities end.

    24. Violent behavior and the use of profanity/inappropriate language are prohibited at camp.

    25. Siesta is a rest period intended for relaxation (and for those who wish, a nap). During this time, noise, ball games, and running in the vicinity of the accommodation buildings are not allowed.

    26. Camp property is treated with care. Any camp property damaged, soiled, or broken by the camper (including furniture, windows, doors, walls, utensils, sports equipment, tents, etc.) must be replaced, paid for, or repaired by the parent/guardian.

    27. If a camper leaves camp voluntarily or due to non-compliance with the rules, the amount paid for camp will not be refunded.

    28. There is a night curfew for youth campers from 23:00 to 8:00.

    29. Non-participants are prohibited from being on the campsite during camp.

    30. Disputes and misunderstandings are resolved by instuctors involving the parties involved in the incident. If a satisfactory agreement is not reached, the camp supervisior and/or parents will be involved.

    31. The camp rules may be supplemented/changed.